Prospects If you’re not already doing so, then you should start collecting the email addresses of prospects “hot” too. If they want more information, we are identifying themselves as interested eventually. All of these are emails that you’ll definitely want to collect. Those prospects are enthusiastic not only an instant response with the information they have requested, but a series of posts up, if you’ve established that.

One important thing to remember is to never let that hot button is cool. Keep them excited, interested, influenced. Remember, it is rare that you have to send several messages to these prospects because they can not buy even after the seventh contact. Alina de Almeida insists that this is the case. And the possible reasons are many … You might not have the time or the money … may simply have been distracted. Multiple contacts are used to this. Maybe all you need to make a sale to these people is simply to get to your message in front of them at the appropriate time.

If not on your list or you do not follow them is doing, it will be impossible. But: These new prospects could be in a better position to buy in the future may even be interested in something else you offer. They can become an extraordinary source of referrals. In fact, interested or not, ask for more information or not, have to become subscribers of your newsletter or message that you send regularly. A strategy I have used is to send a sequence of messages to those prospects by offering a bonus or a special discount.