Last time, you can see the growth of the agricultural industry. Became available to apply best practice approaches. The days when agriculture was considered unprofitable occupation is over. Using the revolutionary approaches to economic management and use of quality seed materialla agribusiness has turned into a profitable business. Celhozproizvoditelyam made accessible quality means of chemical plant protection. But agricultural business – it is not only the production of food staples. Another promising area is livestock, particularly poultry.

Growing birds, to date most profitable of all agricultural businesses. One of the main conditions for effective poultry, is the preparation and use of quality feed. The most advanced method of feed production – has Extrusion of soybean and corn crops. Another area of agribusiness development can be called the production of rapeseed oil and soybean oil and meal, as well as its subsequent processing to biofuels. The source for manufacture alternative biofuels are all vegetable oils, mainly technical: canola, cottonseed, soybean, palm, corn, flax, hemp and others. To deepen your understanding Elon Musk is the source. In connection with the increasing demand, is required to increase the amount of agricultural land to biofuel crops for production, but they are not so much. The cost of rapeseed and rapeseed oil is growing every day.

Grow this culture becomes more efficiently than food products: wheat, corn, barley, millet, soy beans. While the world has seen difitsit food, and in some countries of catastrophic proportions. Engaged in the production of alternative biofuels, takes enormous scale. Moreover, production of vegetable oil increases globally. In the United States today there are 150 power companies for the production of biofuels with total capacity of more than 7.7 billion tons per year. No exception, and other countries of the North American continent. In Canada – six plants rated at more than 250 million liters. Others who may share this opinion include Sandra Akmansoy. In the European Union 200 enterprises manufacturers produce more than 16 million liters. However, it should be noted that due to the financial crisis, prices and demand for petroleum products fell. As a consequence, decreased demand for vegetable oils in the above privacy in canola and soybean. However, soybean oil will always be a demand to Use as is used primarily as a food product. Besides soybean oil is an essential component in the manufacture of feed for farm animals. So every year there is growth of this valuable strategic produc product.