Theoretical knowledge. 2. Capacity for data collection: methodical, systematic and logical. 3. Ability to relate data collected and knowledge. Experience and “ars medica.” Types of diagnosis (glossary): Early diagnosis: Diagnosis before the onset of clinical disease.

For example: screening of cancer, prenatal diagnosis of enf. hereditary. Syndromic Diagnosis: Is that establishes the existence of set of specific signs and symptoms, without giving specific etiology. For example, malabsorption syndrome, sicca syndrome … Differential Diagnosis: It is the group of diseases that can cause a syndrome.

It is used for diagnosis. From the possible causes raised the type and order of laboratory investigations, to find the illness causing the patient’s symptoms. Etiologic diagnosis: Determining the cause of the disease: For example: pneumococcus. Nosological diagnosis: is that the diagnosis of the disease causing the symptoms and signs. For example: Nursing. Crohn’s disease. Bacteriological diagnosis: He who sets the infectious cause by a microbiological study. Diagnostic imaging: The establishment through imaging studies. Pathological diagnosis: Also called pathological or histological diagnosis, which is obtained through a biopsy and is offering a definitive diagnosis in many diseases, including cancer. Diagnosis ex juvantibus: Is that takes place after the resolution of the disease. Normally before a suspected diagnosis and the inability to confirm the diagnosis and empirical treatment is performed if the patient healing, or in terms of evolution-data confirms the diagnosis. Necropsy Diagnosis: The obtained by macroscopic and microscopic study during the autopsy. 9. Forecast: Try to make projections regarding future developments of a disease that affects a patient. 10. The treatment or therapeutic act: Set media of any kind (hygienic, pharmacological, surgical or physical) whose purpose is the prevention, cure, or alleviation of diseases or symptoms. It can be: Prophylactic: preventing the emergence of a disease, for example: Etiologic vaccines: it seeks to eliminate the cause. For example: antibiotics for a urinary tract infection Pathogenics: if not known or can not remove the cause and affect mechanisms of action to change the course of the disease (eg asthma inhalers). Symptomatic: Treat the symptoms without finding the cause. For example: Paracetamol for headache. Rehabilitation: Recovering from the aftermath.