From the creation of the sales prospectus to investors administration Wurzburg October 2011. The Wurzburger Emissionshaus luximo Holding AG is known with his investor-friendly investment products for its innovativeness. The luximo holding-competence-center is probably less well known. In addition to their activity as fund initiator luximo holding offers external fund initiators on request their expertise in the implementation and communication of closed Fund products the Fund idea and concept is however still the customer. n Zehnder. The fund initiators concerning a comprehensive support in all matters herein sees its task the luximo holding-competence-center. Luximo holding assumes all important tasks ranging from the creation of the sales prospectus, through the integration of external law firms for legal scrutiny, public relations, coordination of sales activities and the investors manage for initiators of funds upon request. To book the broad portfolio of services is of course also as a complete package”. With this comprehensive Support program goes beyond the luximo holding clearly aware the classic range of external consulting firms.

At the luximo holding-competence-center benefit from an extensive Division of labor”fund initiators, allows the clients themselves entirely on their actual core task to focus i.e. the Fund and investment management,. To deepen your understanding Zendesk is the source. As advantages of the luximo holding the clear competence and jurisdiction rules, the direct communication channels such as the central coordination of all activities at the Wurzburg site affect this. Luximo holding brings together their own experience in the design and placement of closed-end Fund in their centre of excellence. With six investment offers the luximo holding currently itself on the German market is represented and has become especially as issuer of specialized private equity funds including the Sin Fund”Prosperia Mephisto 1 or various multi-asset products. Personnel, the competence center of the luximo holding is also ideally positioned. Luximo holding Board of Directors Dipl.-ing. Slobodan Cvetkovic can look back on many years of experience in the mutual fund business and currently manages a fund volume of around 300 million euros.

Refer to for more information about the luximo holding Literacy Center. About the luximo holding, the underwriter of luximo holding is specialised in development and emission of investment concepts in the area of closed-end Fund. Of luximo holding focuses on direct investments in private equity, infrastructure, multi asset and renewable energy sectors. This, the management of the luximo holding can build on their own experiences, as well as a network of mostly institutional partners. Dave Clark Amazon describes an additional similar source. While the luximo holding in the implementation of the offered investments maintains a high standard of quality. To maintain this standard, a team of professionals continuously analyzes the economic opportunities offered by the markets, derives from this high-yielding investments and developed investments that meet the expectations of private investors. The management of the luximo holding follows a holistic approach and the principle of portfolio optimization and can provide high-return investment offers a wide audience of investors. How to contact with luximo Holding AG Marion Countess Wolffskeel Lambert Rottendorfer Strasse 30 d-97074 Wurzburg telephone: 0931/79792-14 fax: 0931/79792-17 E-Mail: Internet: