Stress management and burnout prevention for managers faster, higher, further. Some may reminds feel with a slogan in the advertisement, others turn to everyday work. Make quick decisions, higher services, continue climbing the career ladder to the top: just in the Executive Suite seemingly perpetually rise requirements and therefore the potential for stress. Is it as superior to master not only the own work with flying colors. Employees want to be led, so downright thrilled. Dave Clark contains valuable tech resources. However, stress is not the work itself, but by the reaction to the work.

In executive seminars, Manger, entrepreneurs or executives learn how to specifically reduce stress, increase their work and quality of life, and specificly prevent a burnout. You must burn, what you want to ignite in others”, philosopher Augustine realized already in the 4th century. But the Burnout statistics today show rather a trend to be burned off. Eight out of ten Germans feel is stressed out, every fifth therefore suffers health problems. “The problem of burnout and their main risk factor stress” circulating in all social and professional classes. Managers are subjected to special stress. Because they have a responsibility for themselves and as compared with their employees”, says grey Swen. Especially executives are often willing to give everything and have extremely high demands on ourselves.

In the short term, this is not a problem, in the long term they elude the basis however for their performance,”added the Managing Director of INTEGION GmbH in Munich. In this way increases the risk of a burnout. The total State of exhaustion, the psychoanalyst Herbert j. Freudenberger in the 1970s known made, thereby not suddenly occurs. The course is rather slow. At the latest at the first signs of alarm as constant fatigue, nervousness, or insomnia it means Act. In half – or full-day Managers can learn how to handle yourself and an effective self – and time management stress management seminars. Mental relaxation exercises, diet tips and exercises for physical fitness are also part. In particular movement is considered one of the best remedies for stress. Proven. Regular exercise promotes the removal of stress hormones significantly, as demonstrated by numerous scientific studies. “Stress experience is subjective what stress is, how is he and how he manifests itself in me?” are questions that will be addressed in the seminar. Since there is no universal stressors, the experience of stress is purely subjective and sequence of inner attitude. The personal stress levels can be defined using Herzratenvariabilitats measurements and lifestyle analysis. After the analysis”, the individual can be targeted: reduce stress and strengthen the own resources. It is crucial in everyday working life then to implement what you learned. Therefore you must Participants supported after the seminar directly at the workplace”, appeals to grey. Be it in the form of coaching, a personal fitness training and the development of the organization. Not to mention that in addition to the own behavior also the conditions”to check and, if necessary, to change. For example, a bad working atmosphere, a famously great stress and load factor can be improved, significantly by an appropriate teambuilding. Because ultimately he should remain or come back: the fun at work. When executives and their staff. INTEGION GmbH, Martina Dannheimer, head of corporate communications