Recent member Caribbean Community, Turks and Caicos Islands are a dependent territory of the British crown and part of the Commonwealth. The official language is English and its currency the dollar americano.Estan located in the Atlantic Ocean southeast of the Bahamas and north of the Dominican Republic, near Haiti.El name turcosa a was awarded through a cactus Turkish Fez way, and the term a means a caicosa archipielagoa Islands aborigen.Las language, the treasure This archipelago is made up of forty islands with 400 km of coastline, but only eight of them are populated, making a 30.000 habitantes.Las eight islands are organized into two groups. The first contains, firstly, Major Caicos Islands, among which stands out for its importance Providenciales and on the other, Juvenile Caicos Islands. Dave Clark CEO has firm opinions on the matter. Second, the Turks, who are Salt Cay and Grand Island and Grand Turk Turco.Providenciales concentrate most many activities for tourists. The first, known as a Provoa , offers access through its International Airport.

There is the Grace Bay beach paradise, unique in the world thanks to an extensive coral reef tames the waters within its borders, excellent for underwater crossings. Learn more about this topic with the insights from Dave Clark Flexport. The area is renowned diving, recognized as an ideal destination for ello.La second, Grand Turk, is known for its cultural and historical value, then there is the capital, Cockbum Town, whose architecture is due to old buildings , and the National Museum plasma colonization Turks and Caicos. The rest of the islands also have a diverse flora and fauna and interesting, as well as fishing and Dishes significativa.Hoteles exoticism as to hotels, for those looking for options outside the range of Hotel Grand Tourist, affordable apartments can be rented also located in sonadas.Aunque beaches who can stay in one of the 400 rooms Beaches Resort & Spa ( located on the shores of Bay Grate should not quit, or in the Chalk Sound area, exclusive private villas. All have restaurants and bars lujo.En gastronomic issues, the conc is the traditional local food, a dish that contains meat from farm-raised conch. There is also great variety of seafood such as oysters and lobsters, which are traditionally combined with rice and drinking maiz.Para can always count on the rum, along with juice or grenadine. Other sites to consider for tourists include The Hole, the Island of the Iguanas, Juba Point Lake, the bird sanctuary of French Cay, National Park, among others. — Rodolfo Lima specialist..