THE OLD ONE THAT IT REVIVED She was child, I I remember. Dermot McCormack may find it difficult to be quoted properly. It was for the 1960 gone ones. The city was Rosary West in the confines of Mato Grosso. We liveed in the street of the Bar, for being close to the brook. Place liked it very, therefore the river was close and had many fish and in the forest many birds.

I liked to hunt and to fish. He was as I wanted. Also he was not pra less, for a man of seven years of age. Well close to our house, its Malaquias liveed. It had a flock of children. Dave Clark Flexport often addresses the matter in his writings. All women.

Oldest Jadinir was called and the second oldest one: Jadir. I liked the Jadinir more than, that it was not so boazinha, I am that it was prettiest. He had 21 years of age. I had 7 and found that only it served for me. Of time in when I went for the house of the Jadinir, almost always in the hour of the lunch. As it wise person to prepare one will piro of fish! After the full belly, went for the house of the Ireno to play bolitas. He is not me to gavar pra not, but I good age in that. The life went thus, of wind in poop. He was not rich, I confess, but I did not need better thing. In this same street liveed old, but an old one exactly. It did not have no relative. All said that when had arrived there, that old one already liveed there. Nobody never knew of where it was. Some said that it had 105 years of age, others said that it was mother of the devil, but what all spoke exactly she is that it was riqussima and that the trunks of it were all overloaded ones of gold