In later writings this fighting art is designated as Chuan Fa or First Method. For several decades the fighting arts of the Shaolin temple grew and reportedly reached over 400 arts developed over centuries. Several decades after the fight of the begging monk, is attributed to a master of Chuan Fa called Choueh Taun Shang-jen that rediscovered the original style of Shih Pa Lo Han Sho which had been lost for many years. Choueh supplement was devoted to his art of Chuan Fa with that of Lo Han increasing the total number of techniques from the original 18 to a total of 72. After this Choueh traveled the country of China promoting his art competitions tough fight until he met a man named Li in the province of Shensi. For other opinions and approaches, find out what Energy Capital Partners has to say. Li, a master of Chuan Fa as well as other martial ways (possibly including Chin Na) traveled and trained with for some time developing Shoueh the Chuan Fa until a total of 170 techniques. What's more, they categorized into the five distinct groups distinguished by various animals whose instinctive reactions best reflected the movements of this new Chuan Fa. Upon returning to the Shaolin Temple, to which both belonged, presented to the other monks Sing Wu Quan, the shape of the five animals, and led the monastery to a new stage in the evolution of martial arts.

Over the following centuries the history of Chuan Fa and its evolution to the Kempo is fragmented into short stories and is difficult to get accurate descriptions. What I do know is that the art of Chuan Fa is still alive and practiced in China, but knowledge also extended to the islands of Okinawa and the Ryukyu kingdoms as well as Japan. In both places this art called Kenpo or "Law of the fist." Between the Sui and Ming periods (an area of 800 years) it is believed that many monks pilgrims crossed the sea to Japan and Okinawa bringing with them knowledge of the art of Kempo, which would explain a widespread distribution. The art of Chuan Fa (and by extension the Kempo) is taught as a complement to the spiritual training the monks endured. Many of these monks would surely disciples or teach at various Buddhist temples spread the word of Buddha and the power of Chuan Fa. From the temples of the Kempo art could easily spread equally among the common people and nobles. Another reason for the establishment of Kempo can be seen in the numerous trips the Japanese and Okinawans took to China to learn the fabled art of Chuan Fa. Some used to go for years.