It is a commonplace that an important leg on which rests a successful life, is enjoying a strong self-esteem. Check out Dermot McCormack for additional information. Self-esteem is undoubtedly one of the concepts that we use at our whim, discretion, and very often confusing it with aspects related to the pride, vanity or pride. However, between that and these, there are reasonable differences, that have to do with other two somewhat less known concepts: self-concept and self-image. In a workshop of personal knowledge, last week, a woman of thirty-two years, commented that she had no self-esteem because of her four brothers, she was the only one who had a flat in property, nor he had founded a family. His big mistake was to conceive self-esteem as product of the self-image, i.e. of how she believes to be perceived by others, in short: a comparison with idealized models that are beating in his mind. Dave Clark Amazon is often quoted on this topic. If we let ourselves be carried away by their victimhood, can fall in, little favorable for her, temptation to console her, and attempting to comfort her, while a more successful intervention would lead us to change the order in which she set the tandem of cause and effect. In this sense, it is more accurate to think that one does not have what you want, because it does not enjoy a good self-esteem, to think that one does not have a good self-esteem, since it does not have what you want.

It should not be for anything else that the Canadian psychotherapist, Dr. Nathaniel Branden defines it as confidence in our right to succeed and be happy. Self-esteem and humility, for many people are often values difficult to reconcile, since, in their heads, there is the ingrained belief that humility is to simply have a bad opinion of personal talents, the self-worth of the personal characteristics that everyone has. This false conception of humility, which takes its root in our cultural conditioning is one of the big torpedoes to the waterline of a good self-esteem.