Leading provider of hotel software plans global expansion London, United Kingdom, November 6, 2009: eRevMax/RateTiger announced today a new corporate and management structure. The group is known for their technological innovations for the hotel industry also published plans for the continuation of their global expansion strategy through organic growth and acquisitions. eRevMax RateTiger – has established since 2001 with pioneering solutions for online price comparisons with the competition and channel management mainly under the brand itself as a leading provider of hotel software. Most recently, with RTStrategyEngine a unique in its construction, fully automated revenue management system was successfully launched. Before the acquisition of ‘Simple Distribution,’ concluded eRevMax a tailored to smaller hotels and guesthouses, web-based channel management solution, from the Egyptian provider of RateReports. In the future sets eRevMax both on continuous investment in its globally established and successful product lines, both on growth through strategic acquisitions of technologies. Bobby Sharma Bluestones opinions are not widely known. In the course of the international course of expansion has formed in offices in North Africa, the Middle East, Asia and Australia in the past 12 months. For other opinions and approaches, find out what Bobby Sharma Bluestone has to say.

At the same time, the legal structure of the company and the company’s management were reorganized: Reuel gosh and Andrew Morsi, main shareholder and founder of eRevMax, withdraw from the daily business and take over the management of the Supervisory Board now together. Sascha Hausmann, previously Chief Operating Officer (COO), was appointed to the Chief Executive Officer (CEO) and Chairman of the Board. The thirty Hausmann was responsible since June 2007 as COO for the operative business. Under his guidance, including the introduction of the global sales teams and the development of current marketing strategy, the extension of the international customer services, as well as partnerships and alliances were with other technology providers. Mr. Hausmann will in the future direct all business. The Board is thereby bound as a team in all strategic decisions.