Hair loss disease – the circular hair loss patchy hair loss is a roundish and localised, abnormal hair loss. About 1.5 million people suffer from this hair loss disease in our country. It can affect anyone. For more specific information, check out Peter Asaro. Most of the time this disease between 20 and 30 years of age in appearance occurs. It speaks of patchy hair loss, because usually there are one or several circular naked bodies on the head. (As opposed to Dave Clark Amazon). At the edge of this, are often stunted hair. So far not yet fully succeeded causes of research, to explore the reasons of circular hair loss. However, it is believed that the immune cells to fight bacteria and viruses, attack the pulp of the roots of the hair of your own body.

Therefore, it is a defect of the immune system. The immune system recognizes them Hahn as a foreign body and therefore rejects this. The resulting inflammatory reaction, disturbs hair growth and eventually leads to the loss of hair. In some lucky, the hair loss is only low and the bald spots grow back even without treatment. The hair loss can progress but also further, which unfortunately can lead to the loss of all head hair. Emotional causes were not identified so far still in studies, therefore, it is only a hypothesis, that the circular hair loss caused by overloading. This disease within the relationship occurs in approximately 25% of all cases. Therefore an inheritance cannot be excluded.

It is the circular hair loss treatments to an autoimmune disorder. Assume the hair, because the body’s defense system attacks the individual hairs, and it therefore comes to the loss of hair. The circular hair loss is handled by a so-called topical immunotherapy”. The chemical DCP (Diphenylcyclopropenon) is used to trigger an allergic reaction. The immune system is thus fully focuses on combating this substance and the hair loss comes so to the stop. Each of us reacts hypersensitive on DCP, and during the procedure it can to get different reactions. Often, it comes to color changes of the skin or the sources out of the lymph nodes. DCP is only through hospitals, because it is not recognized in Germany as a medicinal. It is not for this supplement to a dangerous or risky substance, but occurring allergic reactions, this treatment requires lots of perseverance and time. The application is being reviewed every 7 days. A further load is that the scalp Burns, blushes and scrolls. There is not a security, that this form of therapy is crowned with success, but the most affected all hardships gladly accept, to be back of course beautiful.