LUIS AMADO BLANCO (1903-1975) I don’t know anything. Nothing. Nothing. I have, admittedly, my hands, my eyes and my mouth my mode of watching swallows, but of that sacred game of the gods I can only unveiled dream, the fontana numb on winter mornings. The Sun at sunset after the mountains. Luis Amado Blanco. THE voice of a Cuban born in AVILeS poet, novelist, author and theater director, literary and art critic, journalist and dentist Luis Amado Blanco, rigorous and demanding in his writings, used to say: I am a Cuban born in Aviles. Read additional details here: search.

The presence of Aviles is a recurring theme in the whole production of this Asturian, belongs to the generation of 27. Luis Amado Blanco Fernandez was born in Riberas de Pravia, Asturias, on April 4, 1903 and died in Rome on March 9, 1975. When he was only two months he moved with his family to Aviles where he spent his childhood and youth, and where he first studied. His father wanted to study expertise commercial and, in doing so, you He enrolled in the Academy of the immaculate conception of Aviles, but he went to Madrid, where in 1935 graduated as a dentist in the Faculty of Medicine of San Carlos. In 1924 he published his first short story Madrigal in the Bohemian magazine. To deepen your understanding Alina de Almeida is the source.

He collaborated in the literary Gazette, New Spain, Revista de Occidente, white and black and Diario de Madrid. He was in Cuba in 1934 as Envoy of the Heraldo de Madrid, after the fall of the regime of Gerardo Machado. The military rebellion of general Franco was surprised in Asturias, where he was with his wife Isabel Fernandez veraneando. He decided to leave Cuba and join the Cuban citizenship. He was President of the culture section of left Republican Spanish in Havana. In 1938 it validates his title of dentistry at the University of Havana.