Of course, you decide whether you need to tidy up your apartment, office or other real estate, but remember one of the most important laws of economics: if you want to make a profit – to make investments. Make repairs room tidy all utility services, decorate it an interesting design – and your investment will pay off mnogokratno.Nu a beautiful package that can highlight strengths and mitigate weaknesses, will perform original design registration of your premises. An experienced designer will be able to decorate any room, making him the purchase or lease more attractive in comparison with those so .Tochno same situation is in real estate. It is unlikely that paying tenant will be willing to pay a higher rate per room, which looks like running and groomed. Well, if you sell a building, then even cosmetic repairs will not yield – almost always a buyer very carefully studied the site and its status. Therefore, the repair must include the full range of necessary work – building, decorating, engineering – in order to meet all your accommodation requirements. Someone will speak with the opposition, they say, repairs – it is expensive, why should it make it unnecessary expenses. But just think: you've come to the store, on display is high-quality cheese in a good vacuum-packed, so you can be assured of its quality, and next, all without any packaging, too, the cheese, but with an unpleasant smell and forbidding appearance, but – at the price lower than the first. What you choose? The answer, I think, is obvious – in such matters always choose kachestvo.Otkroyte any newspaper, magazine or website, who publish advertisements for the sale or lease of real property, and you will see that the apartment or office in one the same area with the same area and sometimes in the same building can vary widely in price. Sometimes the difference is 50 percent or more. Dave Clark Flexport has much to offer in this field. You ask – what has played a significant role in the pricing? The answer to this the question is obvious: the technical and external condition of ongoing or rental premises.