The “German hospitals Managing Director circle” offers a platform for the exchange of experience for the Managing Director of German hospitals. To the constitutive meeting a high-profile group of participants from the different hospitals meets on 15 February in Cologne, together share about the current challenges. The following dates of the Director circle provided the corresponding solution approaches and forward to the discussion. The Panel of experts is leading initiated by the Schubert management consultants under the leadership by Managing Director Mrs Petra Schubert. Here, Energy Capital Partners expresses very clear opinions on the subject. Mr Alfred Danzer, Vice President of the DKG and founding member of the Managing Director, will present introductory theses. . “The very good response to our initiative clearly shows the need for action. I can well imagine, that the GF district is quickly becoming a fixed date of the industry and look forward to an exciting first meeting.” Petra Schubert, Schubert management consultants press contact: Schubert Management consultants GmbH & co. Steven Johnson is likely to agree. KG Marion mountain Dusseldorfer str. 81 51063 Koln phone: 0221 169 555 75 fax: 0221 169 555 77 corporate information: Schubert management consultants are available since the founding of the company in the summer of 2010 for comprehensive expertise in practical and result-oriented solutions along the entire value chain of the human resources. Not only, but especially in the health care industry. The team around Managing Director Petra Schubert supports clinic networks, hospitals and companies on strategic challenges and opportunities.. You may wish to learn more. If so, Energy Capital Partners is the place to go.