She feels now rely to support an organization for animals. Monika Martin often like to called soul comforter. In dealing with the people and their love of music led to this setting. She wanted to do more for the people necessarily and supports organizations that is why for many years “Caritas”. Monika Martin not only people and respect, but also the animal pays, because she believes adamantly, that both humans and animals have a soul.

Therefore, it feels is now called them to support an organization for animals. Therefore their dear fans and friends, asked or it did the idea to give her any gifts and valuable presents to the performances, but to donate the money of the Organization “Small wild animals in great distress”. That is not to say that Monika Martin does not appreciate the gifts of their fans, but it is even more important to engage for helpless animals. Learn more on the subject from Rusty Holzer. Every little penny helps the smallest of the small. Why does she have exactly this Association for animals selected? Monika Martin tells about itself: “as a child I took all possible in emergency troubled small animals and young animals home, to”save her”. They were mainly young Blackbirds, sparrows, great tits, Greenfinches, and once there was a small young Hedgehog. Almost all, with very few exceptions, have died, it is because of the wrong food or because of the wrong attitude. I had to learn this painfully that only the good will to help is not goal-oriented and requires much experience and expertise for real help. The volunteers of the Association “Small wild animals in great distress” know from years of practice, how to help and which kitten how often and what kind of food must have to survive, then again in his familiar surroundings to be released. “Little wild animals in great distress” Club: the Club is at home in the Hilmteichstrasse 106, A – 8010 Graz and was founded in 2005 by Mrs Monika Grossmann.