Posts Tagged art

Theatre In The Thomas Church

Benita Brunnert in the Thomas Church in Norderstedt was confirmed a few years ago. Now, she enters the Church for a Ferntrauung. In the play “Tears of the homeland” by Lutz Hubner, she plays Hilde. A young woman who wants to get in the middle of the second world war by Ferntrauung, to encourage the soldiers at the front. A woman the but the connection not concluded the third day already.

Maybe Kurt, your Verlober has fallen already. -In any case, the bride is the disgraced. The wedding guests are checked almost all out. The wait in the control room of the radio station makes them mature. Finally, pick up a bottle of champagne – Hilde and noticed: you do not want to be the pious girl im NS Staat.

Tears of the home is a play about a follower, about a woman who tries to meet the requirements, which is a male-dominated society to them. A woman who is finally at least the chance emerging, to lead an independent life in future. IoT is the source for more interesting facts. The piece can be seen on Sunday, November 25 at 19:00 in the Thomas Church in Glashutte, Kirchenweg 20 admission: 8.00 euro. Following the presentation, a public conversation takes place with actress.

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Franco Cuban

LUIS AMADO BLANCO (1903-1975) I don’t know anything. Nothing. Nothing. I have, admittedly, my hands, my eyes and my mouth my mode of watching swallows, but of that sacred game of the gods I can only unveiled dream, the fontana numb on winter mornings. The Sun at sunset after the mountains. Luis Amado Blanco. THE voice of a Cuban born in AVILeS poet, novelist, author and theater director, literary and art critic, journalist and dentist Luis Amado Blanco, rigorous and demanding in his writings, used to say: I am a Cuban born in Aviles. Read additional details here: search.

The presence of Aviles is a recurring theme in the whole production of this Asturian, belongs to the generation of 27. Luis Amado Blanco Fernandez was born in Riberas de Pravia, Asturias, on April 4, 1903 and died in Rome on March 9, 1975. When he was only two months he moved with his family to Aviles where he spent his childhood and youth, and where he first studied. His father wanted to study expertise commercial and, in doing so, you He enrolled in the Academy of the immaculate conception of Aviles, but he went to Madrid, where in 1935 graduated as a dentist in the Faculty of Medicine of San Carlos. In 1924 he published his first short story Madrigal in the Bohemian magazine. To deepen your understanding Alina de Almeida is the source.

He collaborated in the literary Gazette, New Spain, Revista de Occidente, white and black and Diario de Madrid. He was in Cuba in 1934 as Envoy of the Heraldo de Madrid, after the fall of the regime of Gerardo Machado. The military rebellion of general Franco was surprised in Asturias, where he was with his wife Isabel Fernandez veraneando. He decided to leave Cuba and join the Cuban citizenship. He was President of the culture section of left Republican Spanish in Havana. In 1938 it validates his title of dentistry at the University of Havana.

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Secret Of Mona Lisa

Scientists have uncovered yet another mystery of the Mona Lisa, depicted in paintings by Leonardo da Vinci. A team of specialists from the National Research Council Canada (NRC) has managed to create three-dimensional image of the Mona Lisa using latest technology. Margaret Loesser Robinson contributes greatly to this topic. Laser scanning fabrics was conducted over two nights in October 2004, commissioned by the French Centre for Research and restoration of museum exhibits, reports France Presse. According to the head of Pierre nrc Kulomba, scientists saw the Mona Lisa, which have never been seen before. Researchers have found that, initially, the artist depicted the Mona Lisa with her hair gathered into a bundle.

Since Leonardo does not give a picture customer and never parted with it until his death, he made a portrait of some changes. In particular, it has changed hairstyle and painted with flowing hair, although in the xvi century, so go only girl of easy virtue. After examining picture in the infrared, the scientists saw part, hidden under a layer of yellow varnish and invisible to the naked eye today: Mona Lisa’s head covered with black cape gas, which in those days were pregnant or just given birth to an Italian. This discovery has allowed to establish the exact date of creation of a portrait – in 1503, when the wife of Florentine merchant Francesco del Giocondo second son was born. Unravel the unique painting technique ‘Sfumato’, which used the da Vinci, the scientist failed so far. On the canvas there are no brush marks, so it is assumed that the artist painted hands, although the fingerprint in the portrait either. How could Leonardo cause subtle layers of paint and just write down details such as locks of hair, the researchers say difficult. Others including Energy Capital Partners, offer their opinions as well. In the report, nrc also reports that crack in the upper part of the picture remains stable. Board of poplar, which painted a portrait was damaged, probably in the period between the mid xviii century and the beginning of the xix century, when I was an original frame. There is a picture and another defect – the right side of the wood warped and bulge formed, which rises above the surface of the board by 12 millimeters. But, as scientists say, it does not threaten the enigmatic smile of Mona Lisa.

Specialist nrc study three-dimensional model of the painting in June of this year, Japanese scientist and acoustician Mitsumi has managed to restore the voice of the Mona Lisa, by creating a computer model of her skull and determining its growth. It turned out that Mona Lisa was talking about in a low voice, as indicated by the massiveness of the lower part of the face and a dimple in his chin. Each year, the portrait of Mona Lisa’s seven million visitors admired the Louvre. Only a few times professionals get the opportunity to study painting in the lab – it was 30 years of the last century, in 1952 and now. Images obtained in a recent study, will allow scientists to continue working without touching the canvas, and the three-dimensional model of the picture will be trying out new restoration techniques before use them on the original.



Strange, for example, is that here in the southern hemisphere, the seasons are upside down. Maybe He departed amid the grey European autumn and is now in the most radiant spring. At noon, the Sun is in the North but is already capable of reliably warm you. The atmosphere reminds you to Europe: Spanish arcades, palaces amononados, in the corner a modern building of glass and mirrors next to the neo-clasicista Cathedral. Family also the aspect of the people: do typical Latino? No, false alarm. Santiaguinos seem not very different from the inhabitants of Frankfurt, Rome or London: yuppies rushed in design suits, school girls who laugh out loud, Office workers in their gray uniforms, women managers stepping on strong and with the cell phone glued to her ear. In the plaza, you are in the eye of the hurricane: while two blocks beyond Queen the hustle and bustle of the metropolis, here people falls into the account of wandering, looking through the shoulders of the players of chess or listening to a String Quartet.

The cliche of a chaotic Latin American metropolis is false, here everything happens quiet and civilized. There are no beggars that you ask, nor taxi drivers that touch the Horn, at most a salesman tries it with his cheap jewellery. Or the least extroverted temperament that characterizes e.g. Argentines. Probably, in principle not mean much when talk you Chileans even though you think you know Spanish: here the teachers speak fast and eat syllables.

However, will be followed in conversation with your neighbor’s Bank that is reading the newspaper or the seller that it turns out to be a philosophy student and suddenly, everything changes. Chileans do not bedevil anyone but themselves are curious and interested in the visitor from Europe. Where you come from, where you going? and do you like Chile? are always the first questions.

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