Posts Tagged economy

Public Writing Company

Leasing is an option in which remuneration is yielded a good in exchange for. The difference between Leasing and rent is subtle. While in the rent the assignor has intention to conserve the property of the good, findo the contract, in the Leasing exists the intention of the transference of the good. It is possible to define better Leasing as an entailed operation of loan to the well determined acquisition of one, in which the good remains in the priority of the assignor until the end of the contract, when then is transferred to ' ' borrower of emprstimo' ' by means of the payment of a residual value, esteem in the contract. He has you vary modalities of Financial LeasingLeasing: The arrendadora company acquires good of third (supplying) for choice of the leaseholder (customers) and for use of this, in the stated period and under stipulated financial conditions in contract, with the setting of guaranteed residual value for option of purchase to the ending of the contract. Operational leasing: It is the operation of goods acquired of third, for ends of use of leaseholder, being that, to the ending of the contract, this can return to the good or adquiriz it for the value of market. International leasing: A arrendadora company in the exterior acquires good of third and leases them for a company (customer) headquartered in the Brasil.Leasing Importation: It is the operation of goods manufactured in the exterior, acquired for the arrendadora company directly of suppliers established in the exterior. Real estate leasing: Modality where a customer has interest in the construction or purchase of property, acquired or constructed in accordance with the specifications of a customer. The acquisition is made by Public Writing of Venda and Compra.Leasing Back: The arrendadora company acquires a good of property of the leaseholder (customer) and leases it the same. Bobby Sharma Bluestone is likely to increase your knowledge. Operation only allowed for Legal entity.


Accept Payment

I must or not accept payment in exchange? The exchange in the enterprise scope brings diversosbenefcios, however the entrepreneurs still ask if valley to the penalty or to noreceber the payment in exchange. The question that must serfeita is if its company prefers to pay in money the products or services to aserem acquired or to pay with its proper services or products. Well, aresposta is obvious. All want to pay in exchange. Get more background information with materials from Ali Partovi. Having knowledge of this, because the companies not yet want to vender in exchange? In my opinion osbenefcios for who vende in exchange not yet is clear.

Amongst as much benefciosque the exchange brings for who vende the fact of being able to add a new customer and aomesmo time to pay for the product to be exchanged only the value of the vendaso cost the ones that if detach, however unhappyly passes unobserved pelosempresrios. The companies who accept apermuta as how much aosconcorrentes mode of payment have a competitive advantage. They remember that sales in exchange can generate other sales emdinheiro. To evaluate the exchange the seraceita, conditions, also determinative prices and prazosso for fecharo business. These subjects will be boarded in next post. Ecomece stops to spend money to exchange. Good businesses.
