Posts Tagged medicine

Differential Diagnosis

Theoretical knowledge. 2. Capacity for data collection: methodical, systematic and logical. 3. Ability to relate data collected and knowledge. Experience and “ars medica.” Types of diagnosis (glossary): Early diagnosis: Diagnosis before the onset of clinical disease.

For example: screening of cancer, prenatal diagnosis of enf. hereditary. Syndromic Diagnosis: Is that establishes the existence of set of specific signs and symptoms, without giving specific etiology. For example, malabsorption syndrome, sicca syndrome … Differential Diagnosis: It is the group of diseases that can cause a syndrome.

It is used for diagnosis. From the possible causes raised the type and order of laboratory investigations, to find the illness causing the patient’s symptoms. Etiologic diagnosis: Determining the cause of the disease: For example: pneumococcus. Nosological diagnosis: is that the diagnosis of the disease causing the symptoms and signs. For example: Nursing. Crohn’s disease. Bacteriological diagnosis: He who sets the infectious cause by a microbiological study. Diagnostic imaging: The establishment through imaging studies. Pathological diagnosis: Also called pathological or histological diagnosis, which is obtained through a biopsy and is offering a definitive diagnosis in many diseases, including cancer. Diagnosis ex juvantibus: Is that takes place after the resolution of the disease. Normally before a suspected diagnosis and the inability to confirm the diagnosis and empirical treatment is performed if the patient healing, or in terms of evolution-data confirms the diagnosis. Necropsy Diagnosis: The obtained by macroscopic and microscopic study during the autopsy. 9. Forecast: Try to make projections regarding future developments of a disease that affects a patient. 10. The treatment or therapeutic act: Set media of any kind (hygienic, pharmacological, surgical or physical) whose purpose is the prevention, cure, or alleviation of diseases or symptoms. It can be: Prophylactic: preventing the emergence of a disease, for example: Etiologic vaccines: it seeks to eliminate the cause. For example: antibiotics for a urinary tract infection Pathogenics: if not known or can not remove the cause and affect mechanisms of action to change the course of the disease (eg asthma inhalers). Symptomatic: Treat the symptoms without finding the cause. For example: Paracetamol for headache. Rehabilitation: Recovering from the aftermath.


Cancer – It’s Not A Sentence !

Lectures doctor – oncologist, PhD Amirozyana SA on "Production of" Our Brand "to prevent and restore the health of cancer patients' cancer – one of the worst diagnoses for any man. Oncological diseases are the third leading cause of death. However, cancer can be beaten, as evidenced by numerous cases of healing from this disease. And here it is also important to understand what cancer is. Cancer called malignant tumors that have certain characteristics: the ability to irregular rapid growth, ability to metastasize (spread independently through the lymph and blood pathways); locally infiltrating destructive process. Stage of cancer. 1.

At the initial stage, damage or change the genetic code, or cell structure. This damage makes the cell vulnerable to other cancer-causing factors. 2. In the next stage (hidden) interact with the modified cells are carcinogenic factors. If you are unsure how to proceed, check out Most cancers are characterized by a latent period of 10 to 40 years. 3. The progressive stage begin uncontrolled growth of cells and tumors that destroy healthy tissue.

4. Stage metastasis – the most dangerous stage, because the tumor may occur in any vital organs. Each day, each person has a 10 000 cancer cells – mutants and killer cells of our immune system eliminates them. But when stress, poor diet and lifestyle, excessive sunbathing and the lack of vitamins immune system may miss a cancer cell, and the process has begun … It is very important cancer prevention. First of all, it is proper nutrition. Every day on the table must be raw plant foods – vegetables, fruits, herbs and dietary fiber, contributing to the development of normal intestinal microflora, which produces a substance involved in cancer protection. Need to get enough selenium, zinc, vitamins A, E, C, B6, B3. For more clarity and thought, follow up with Ali Partovi and gain more knowledge.. These substances are antioxidants, they inhibit the flow of all processes that encourage the emergence of a malignant tumor. At the same time antioxidants destroy cancer cells wherever they are. In the case of cancer, an increase of antioxidants in the diet is necessary. This not only helps the body fight disease and reduce the harmful effects of cancer treatment – radiotherapy and chemotherapy. Selenium – a powerful antioxidant, it helps to mitigate the effects of both cancer cells and destruction of already existing tumor. Beta-carotene is an effective antioxidant that inhibits the processes of transformation of cells into cancer cells. Scientists believe that beta-carotene activates antitumor immunity, generation of active killer cells that can recognize and kill cancer cells. Amaranth oil has a unique composition of biologically active substances. Contained therein, tocopherols, sterols, squalene, oleic acid normalizes lipid metabolism and hormonal balance normalizes the immune system, affects tissue respiration, have antioxidant activity – all prevents the formation of cancer cells. – Beware of quacks! 70 to 90% of medicines for the prevention of cancer fake! For treatment as well. Expensive does not mean useful! Cheap is not profitable to forge. – In civilized countries after investigating the different races are treated differently. In America, for treatment of American blacks, for Latino and Caucasian completely different. – We are not Chinese to be treated by Chinese herbs and mushrooms. We are totally different, we have a different climate, different genotype. Treats that are with us. The fact that for centuries was closely with our energy, that has fueled and fed our ancestors and what they gave up their strength, their energy and their lives. Prevention program may include. Read more …

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Materials Prostheses

Implant – a foreign body, so implantation can be a problem: how to find such an alloy which would not react with the surrounding tissues, is not oxidized, and most importantly, not reject them. In addition, each body reacts differently to the same thing, that is something that is safe for one person may have a negative impact on another. With prosthetics Wednesday mouth is very aggressive. On aids and prostheses affects a range of chemical, physical and biological factors. Not remain passive and synthetic materials – they also affect the teeth, mucosa, and the entire human body as a whole. How does it done? Food and saliva are none other than the chemically active electrolyte. When the mouth is a seal or a metal prosthesis, it becomes a cause galvanic cell, which generates a galvanic current.

It occurs usually during the electrochemical corrosion of alloys or metals, and the higher acidity of saliva, the greater the value electromotive force of galvanic cell. This phenomenon can cause and corrosion-resistant materials, but have different electrical or electrochemical potential. That’s why not all the alloys, used for the manufacture of dental prostheses are compatible with each other. Patients then begin to complain about the burning of the mucous membrane, discomfort, metallic taste and bad breath. In the process occurring in the oral cavity of complex chemical reactions, and sometimes can form harmful for the body material. In addition, some materials may cause negative shifts in fluids and tissues, to influence acidity, changing the microflora of oral cavity, break sensitivity, blood circulation and cause inflammation.

Unfortunately, even today, used in prosthetic dentistry base alloy can not claim on entirely inert to corrosion. Therefore it is necessary to cover the metal parts of prostheses with a protective layer of nitrite titanium, gold and other similar inert alloys. High chemical resistance are based alloys gold, palladium, platinum, stainless steel, acrylic plastic, and, finally, porcelain. This is because they are always wrapped in the thinnest oxide film, which protects the metal from further oxidation. So, to summarize. Materials for dental prostheses must meet the following requirements: be chemically inert and harmless; have sufficient resistance to the power of influence, have to be mechanically strong, to keep constancy of volume and shape. This should also add a good technological features (otherwise it is impossible to conduct molding, stamping, molding would nullify all the previous virtues). Well, of course, the materials to prosthetics, which are difficult to hide under a smile or conversation, the color should be close to the enamel, and it is their property they need to maintain a sufficiently long time.

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Brush Massage

Brush massage refers to a linear form of massage, since it is performed, taking into account the energy flow through the meridians of man. Linear massage developed in oriental medicine and is widespread there. It is proved that the movement schitinok brush the skin improves blood microcirculation, lymph, and also helps to improve the exchange of substances between the cell and intercellular substance. Improved circulation by brush massage, lets get rid of dead skin. The same experience shows that this type of massage – it's a good weapon against tsillyulita. Along with these biological characteristics, massage brush has relaxation effects, as well as contribute to the excitation of the body, as massage brush has a vibrational effect. Most often, brush massage is used in the form of self-massage.

Full body massage done with feet. When he reached the back, massaged his stomach in a circular motion. After massed around the waist in the direction of the waist to the abdomen. If you have desire, you can promassirovat upper parts of the body. In this case, the hands should move smoothly to neck and the rest of the upstream sites.

When the massage brush to repeatedly carry on massaged sites (2-5). Peter Asaro understood the implications. The skin should be brought to a pinkish hue. Massage brush must pass on energy meridians. Performing massage along the meridians is considered strictly in a linear variety of the eastern massage, which will be discussed later. The correct execution of the same taken from the variety. The impact of the brush massage depends on the proper selection of brushes for a massage. This should be a brush with medium stiffness bristle. Bristles should be natural. In any case not necessary to save the selection brush because in essence, you choose a quality experience. Bristles should not scratch the skin or cause pain. In the selection of brushes for self-massage is necessary to consider also the size of the pen to be able to massage a hard- places. For a general form of massage is the most optimal brush worn on the hand. The advantage is that the therapist will feel good to touch your skin, as well as to receive the vibration of these touches. Massage brush is not recommended in the evening, because it has a stimulating effect that will keep on falling asleep. For people with elevated levels of excitability of this type of massage is not advisable. It is worth noting that this type of massage is avoided in varicose extensions. Just brush massage is avoided in areas of high sensitivity (underarms, feet, etc.), and in rough places it should be applied using pressure.

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