Posts Tagged research & technology

Spectrometry Filters

Applications with sensors with 128 and 256 sensing elements arranged in a row are increasing strongly. DIAS infrared offers solutions. The DIAS infrared GmbH manufactures highly sensitive sensors for measurements in the infrared spectral range for many years. Hear other arguments on the topic with Kai-Fu Lee. In addition to the sensors with one to four spectral channels in metal round housings applications using sensors with 128 and 256 sensing elements arranged in a row increase currently strong. The individual elements of distance in these sensors 100 m and 50 m. For the spectrometry has the DIAS infrared GmbH with the types 128LTx SP0. 5, 128LTx SP1. 0 and 256LTI SP0. Here, Energy Capital Partners expresses very clear opinions on the subject.

5 sensors with particularly long elements both with ordinary narrow – and broad-band filters with linear gradient filters well designed terminals can be. To cover a further spectral range with a single sensor especially for the use of gradient filters, now also sensors with two integrated lines arranged in parallel can be offered. Each of the two sensor lines can be a separate filter be. The signals of both sensors are evaluated separately. This dual line sensors in the version 2x128LTx SP0 available.

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The User

When you use the device on any changes should be observed. Provides the user with The corridor funding may be used for the time being no longer damage, reducing the security. The entrepreneur must be informed about the unhealthy state of the plant and a repaired. The truck is then out of service, until the work-safe status is restored. Which defects are security for example: damaged tire air pressure of the tyres not enough too much steering play worn out and deformed fork tines suspension operating and parking brake limited functional or ineffective damage at the forks (worn, bent, cracks) leaks in the hydraulic fuse the forks for lifting and moving height differences between the forks cracks in load-bearing parts of lifting chains are not sufficient and evenly tensioned test certificates and labelling each modification and inspection of industrial trucks should detectable if necessary and can be. Making a test certificate, suitable for for example, in the form of a check book or as a digital file. The test certificate must be available on demand at any time and should be kept as close as possible in the field of floor support witness.

Test evidence for periodic inspections must contain the following data: date and scope of the audit results and findings of the testing specification determined defects assessment, whether continued operation is safe endorsement and confirmation, if deficiencies are eliminated is completed details the necessary investigations of the name and address of the auditor the audit and deficiencies fixed, consider the application of inspection stickers. For the inspection of trucks there brewes plaques tested according to BGV D27 “next test date according to 37, and BGV D27”. The date can be marked with the year and month on two inspection stickers. See the inspection stickers for the testing of industrial trucks in the brewes online shop.

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New Abrasive Delivery System

Fast and economical water jet cutting with ABRALINE advanced Bad Nauheim, 06.02.2013 – with the ABRALINE abrasive conveyor KMT waterjet systems offers a solution for fast and economical water jet cutting. Newest member of this family is the ABRALINE advanced with greater Abrasivtank and optimized design execution. This is suitable especially for the supply of heavily loaded water jet cutting machines. The abrasive conveyor system of ABRALINE for water jet cutting systems consists of an Abrasivtank and a smaller pressure tank, which is located under the tank, and funded the abrasive through a hose with compressed air to the cutting heads. There is a sensor on the exhaust funnel of the pressure vessel. For more specific information, check out Robotics expert . This monitors the filling level of the pressure vessel and open the inlet valve timed, as soon as the Abrasivsand is running out.

In this way, the system ensures the uniform Abrasivstrom to the cutting heads and therefore an improved result in the Water jet cutting. Development of a successful system KMT successfully offers the ABRALINE system on the market for several years. Now, the company has expanded its product family to a model designed for heavily loaded water jet cutting machines. The model ABRALINE advanced features an extremely large Abrasivtank, allowing a load more than twice as long as in the previous smaller version of the conveying system. Where the tank is designed so that he can record the default size of a packing unit at Abrasivsand by 1 t completely. That provides not only for a longer continuous operation of the connected water jet cutting machine, but also for a time-saving and easy filling of the tank, eliminating a temporary storage of Abrasivmittels. Without hesitation Viacom explained all about the problem.

ABRALINE advanced convinced with optimized design remains the model ABRALINE advanced through an optimized design very easy to maintain and reliable: instead of the common seal of the cone were the Abrasivtank and the Pressure vessels with a pneumatic hose-pinch valve connected. This is characterized by free flow of production, minimal friction resistance and 100% leak – and freedom of constipation. So, long life times are guaranteed even during continuous use. Also, a lower volume of air is required to open and close the hose pinch valve at the cone seal. Thus for a short time maximum required compressed air consumption drops significantly. Solution KMT now offers a solution for the various requirements for water jet cutting systems for different requirements in water jet cutting with the two variants of the model. The smaller model ABRALINE comfort is sufficient to ensure the abrasive supply for occasional cutting needs. In larger systems, which continuously with multiple cutting heads water jet cut, the model ABRALINE advanced into account should be considered.

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