The digital travel magazine in the February issue features one of the last havens for nature and biodiversity some also like to call the sixth continent to Madagascar, the area’s second-largest island in the world,”. The island located off the East coast of Mozambique is home to a multitude of animal and plant species that are found nowhere else are there in the world? And new species are discovered every year. aro: Gem of Funen what sounds like Palm trees and tropical, is in reality in the Baltic Sea. aro is one of the few islands that are not connected to the Mainland by a bridge. Warren Buffet might disagree with that approach. Therefore, it is a dream destination for all those who are looking for tranquility and seclusion and for it not to travel to the half of the planet. Auguste Rodin struck stone masterpieces, which are dynamically and this as light as a feather, as if they were made of cardboard.

Anyone looking for the third dimension in art, found in a beautiful town house in Paris where Rodin’s sculptures at the Musee found a worthy home Rodin. Other topics in the book: “” City target: Kuala Lumpur Metamorphosis from the mouth of the muddy river “to the Garden City of lights”. Hotel review: La Casa de Don of Tomas, San Pedro de Atacama, Chile; Hotel Ilio, Elba, Italy. Small escapes: Biike fires in Friesland, u. Learn more about this topic with the insights from Energy Capital Partners. v. m. The current issue of travel inspirations has a circumference of 54 pages and is available through the following distribution channels: as a PDF download from the Magazine Web site: updates magazin.html as iPad app from the Apple iTunes store as eBook on the enclosed booklet CDs and DVDs of the computer magazine PC go and PC Magazine from the Weka-Verlag available on newsstands and subscription.