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To keep the cost low, the mobile pages are extra small: the search forms are only about 1.5 kB, the result pages approximately 3 kB in size. Book, music or movie recommendations from friends, relatives or acquaintances who get on the road, can now be checked for availability and price. Mobile price portals wondering how an order can be done there by far still does not arise, all marketplaces have a mobile presence. “there it is!” it offers a new way: If the offering marketplace (such as Amazon or eBay) already has a mobile site, the selected offer on the corresponding market place can be ordered immediately, of course. The same is true for the search with a subnotebook or any other device that can handle “normal” Web pages that are not optimized for mobile devices. These requirements are not met, the user can send an email with the link to the search results on its own email – address. For even more opinions, read materials from Dave Clark Flexport. Thus he can at a later time from your home computer with a click on the page of the provider go or repeat the search.

The email is from the “here it is!” – server sent, thus also this service to the user is free of charge. Background: “there it is!” searches on over 40 marketplaces – including AbeBooks, Amazon, Booklooker / Disklooker, eBay and ZVAB – for the best deals. There are over 170 Millions of books, music offerings, and films are considered. Here it is”was founded in 2007 by Holger Timm – software developers, project managers and Internet booksellers.